Apple laptop Tag's Archives
Movie chip technology to be utilized in Apple’s coming computers
Tags: Apple laptop, Apple’s coming computers, HD Processor, Movie chip technology, Quad Core, Toshiba
There are rumors that the new range of computers by Apple will be available with a new chipset that may support decoding as well as encoding video by making the main processor free to control the remaining computer.
Many companies, like Toshiba, are already using a dedicated chip for video and it’s not a new thing for them. Toshiba is using that technology in its laptops in the form of Quad Core HD Processor.
Besides four 128bit SIMD RISC processors, there are high definition H.264 and MPG2 encoders and decoders in the Quad Four that works parallel with the CPU of the device. Click here to read more …
After iPhone 3G what would be Apple’s next release?
Tags: Apple laptop, Apple store, iPhone 3G, iPod, Mac, Mac notebooks, MacBook Air
Now the iPhone 3G’s incredibly successful launch (perhaps the highest profile gadget launch in history) has become a far off thing. And now it’s time for Apple’s fan to return to their favorite pastime as to guess about Apple’s next product release.
Many ‘well-informed’ seem to believe that in late September there would be a new line of Mac and iPod products by Apple.
If you are considering buying a laptop, don’t buy yet. Click here to read more …