Understanding How Routers Work
With the steadily increasing use and popularity of wireless internet connections & the widely use computer monitoring software in day-to-day routine for some, routers have become a necessary part of nearly every modern household and business. However, many individuals are still clueless when it comes to actually understanding what a router does, or how to make it work better. For those of you who did not grow up with a computer mouse already placed in your hand, here are some basic facts to help you understand what a router does and how you can help to make yours function even better.
Establish Wireless Internet Connection
The basic purpose of a wireless router is to establish an internet connection without the need for obnoxious physical cords. With an increasing push towards modern convenience and regular internet usage, wireless internet connections through routers have become an extremely popular option.
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Smart phones make many things possible, including mobile casino gaming with detailed graphics and speed you would never have even dreamed of for your pc, let alone for something that fits in your pocket. Click here to try it for yourself, and really test the limits of your phone with top quality casino games. Apps are available for both iOS and Android, and mobile gaming just in the phone browser is also possible, so there really is no excuse for not trying a slots or two.
If you’re like most people in the IT business, keeping up with the latest technologies is not simply a hobby but rather something of an obsession. It seems that every time an advance is made in a field, the media trumpets a “major leap forward”, while experts caution that the technology is not fully developed or has been maxed out. The truth, of course, is usually somewhere in between.
While the announcement of a new technology does not guarantee that it will ever reach the market, scientists have repeatedly shown that they can solve complex mass-scaling and cost problems and work around limitations previously thought unassailable.
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How to Choose the Right Monitor for Your Desk
More In Tech Articles
Tags: Business, Computer Monitor
Every day, millions of people across the United States and other parts of the world conduct business through their computer. In addition, thousands of homeowners and their families use computers as a source of entertainment. While computers are used by almost everyone in the developed world, it can be challenging to make sure that a computer monitor is set up correctly. The following guide provides simple tips and tricks on how to choose the right monitor for a desk.
Understanding the Different Types of Monitors
Over the past decade, computer monitor technology has changed in several significant ways. CRT monitors were commonly in use from 1984 to 2002. During this time, most people grew used to very large, bulky monitors.
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How to use the Apple iPhone 4S’s SIRI without annoying people
More In iPhone, Mobile Phones
Tags: Apple iPhone, iPhone SIRI
Those people who have either upgraded their previous iPhone device or replace another with the new iPhone 4S, have several new features to use. One of these is a feature known as SIRI. SIRI is a built in assistance in the iPhone 4S. A form of artificial intelligence, SIRI is voice activated. Therefore, to use SIRI you must talk aloud to it. Then when SIRI responds, this will also be in the form of a voice command. However, despite how useful and helpful SIRI can be, the fact that people have to talk to use it can get annoying to others. Click here to read more …