Sony 80GB PlayStation3Earlier this week, some juicy tidbits of news were unveiled in Sony Computer Entertainment’s E3 2008 press conference. Arrival of a new 80GB PlayStation 3 model, new Platinum games range for the PS3 and major first-party titles ‘ announcement dates were some of them. But it’s worth mentioning that these details were related to North America as Sony announced that the info about other territories would be available soon.

While announcing these details at Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) ,David Reeves, SCEE boss told that 27th August would be the arrival date of 80GB PS3 in Europe, Middle East, Australia , New Zealand and Africa.  In Europe its price would be 399euros and 299 pounds in the U.K., however, according to Sony Computer Entertainment Australia spokesman, the pricing for Australia would be announced soon. So far PSP and PlayStation 2 are concerned; Reeves told that would be no price drop in Europe.Sony Play Station 3

The current 40GB SKU will be replaced with 80GB model just like in the US, and on the 40GB model there would be no price drop in the interim, Reeves further told.

According to Reeves the Platinum array of PS3 games will be available in the SCEE territories soon with tiles like Fall of Man, MotorStorm, Drake’s Fortune, Virtua Tennis 3 and Assassin’s Creed while WWE SmackDown! Vs. RAW will arrive in September this year. The platinum games will set back 29.99 euros in Europe, 19.99 pounds in the U.K , A$ 49 in Australia and NZ$59 in New Zealand.